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Our Constitution

Name of Club:

  • The name of the Club is the XK Car Club, hereinafter known as the XKCC.



  • The XK is defined as the Jaguar XK8 / XKR, (Model X100: 1996-2006), and the Jaguar XK / XKR, (Model: X150: 2006-2014) and derivatives.



The aim of the XKCC is to maximise the enjoyment of ownership of the modern Jaguar XK for its members and to help preserve as many XK’s as possible for the future.



Membership will be open to anyone who owns or appreciates the Jaguar X100 / X150 models, subject to approval by the executive committee. (EC)


  • All new Members will pay a joining fee. (To be agreed at an AGM*)


  • Annual Membership Fees after that will be decided at an AGM by agreement of a majority of voting members present at that meeting.


  • Voting members will be paid up members, of more than 3 months membership.


  • There will be one vote per fee paying member, or their representative.


  • All others will be Non-voting members.



  • An AGM will be held each February.


  • All members are to be informed of the date of the AGM, or EGM**, with a minimum of 3 weeks’ notice.


  • Agenda items must be submitted not less than 2 weeks before the meeting.


  • The agenda notice will be issued not less than 7 days prior to the meeting,


  • A quorum at any AGM, or EGM, will be a minimum of 10 voting members plus at least two committee members. If a quorum cannot be met the AGM, or EGM, will be held at the next agreed monthly meeting.


  • Proposals at the AGM must be agreed by a majority of voting members, present at that meeting of more than 3 months membership and proxies.


  • In the event of a tie any proposal will fail.


  • Proxy voting will be allowed for the AGM, or EGM, via the website.


*AGM: Annual General Meeting.  **EGM: Emergency General Meeting



  • Once agreed the Club Constitution can only be altered at an AGM, or EGM, with the approval of more than 50% of the voting members, present at that meeting, of more than 3 months membership, and proxies.


  • Any proposed changes must be circulated to members not less than 7 days prior to the meeting.


  • A copy of the Constitution will be available on the Club website.


Club Management:

The Club will be run by its members, taking on roles as and when required.


The Club Committee will comprise of the Club Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and regional coordinators. This committee will meet in person or remotely a minimum of twice per year. Additional meetings can be called by a regional organiser or the executive committee.


An executive committee comprising Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will manage the day to day running of the club.


Club members can be temporarily co-opted onto either committee, by the executive committee if in the opinion of the executive committee, their expertise is considered to be required.


The Executive Committee will be the sole arbiter on any disciplinary issues that may arise within the Club. The Club reserves the right to refuse a membership application and / or annual renewal of membership. Any decisions to be made by the Executive Committee. No right of appeal exists.


 Regional Organisers (ROs)


  • Any fully paid up member can volunteer for RO.

  • All ROs must be approved, or removed by the Executive Committee (EC).

  • RO’s will be members of the club committee and will attend meetings with the Executive Committee, when called, either in person or on-line.


  • Organise regional meetings and outings and produce a report on these for the club newsletter.

  • If a new region is proposed, and is part of an existing region, approval must be sought from the EC and also that regions RO.


Committee Members


  • All committee members must use a club provided email address for all club correspondence.


  • Committee members will be allowed reasonable expenses, approved by the EC, when performing the role.


  • All committee members to act in the best interest of the XKCC and promote the club




  • Club Meetings will be held each month at venues to be decided by members in their region.



  • The Club accounts will be approved at the AGM and will also be available for inspection by any Club member on request, at any monthly meeting, with 1 months notice.



  • The Club may attend regular events, organise regular runs and visits as suggested and agreed by members.



  • The Club will pay for and maintain a website, for the benefit of its members.


Dissolution of the Club

  • The XKCC may be dissolved if deemed necessary by the voting members in a majority vote at a special meeting called for such purpose.


  • The quorum for such a meeting shall be 30 voting members or 25% of voting members, whichever is the least.  


  • Notice for such a meeting shall be not less than 28 days.


  • Any assets or remaining funds after debts have been paid shall be transferred to local charities or similar groups at the discretion of the members present at that meeting.


Calling an Extraordinary General Meeting. (EGM)


  • An EGM is any general meeting of the Club that is not the annual general meeting. An EGM can be held at any time of the year. The Club can have as many or as few EGMs as it decides in accordance with the following provisions:


Who can call an EGM?


An EGM can be called by a:

  • Committee member  (if approved by the majority of committee members) or,

  • Written request signed by at least 10 Members.


Members requesting an EGM


  • The notice requesting the EGM must be given to the Club secretary, or in the secretary’s absence, the chairperson (the secretary is taken to be absent if they do not acknowledge the request within 7 days).

  • The request must include:


  • Signatures of at least 10 voting members, of at least 3 months membership, or their representatives.

  • The motions which those calling for the EGM want to have decided at the meeting.


Calling the EGM


  • The person receiving the request must give notice, via email or post if no email address provided, to the club membership of an EGM being called within 3 weeks of receiving the request.

  • The meeting must be held within 6 weeks of receipt of the notice.


Giving members notice


The notice for the meeting must include:

  • the date, time and place of the meeting

  • the reasons for calling.



The committee will decide the agenda for the EGM which must include:

  • any motions listed in the notice asking for an EGM to be called

  • any motions submitted by the committee


The Agenda must be sent out to members within 5 weeks of receipt of request.


Last Updated February 2023

© 2024 XKCC Club.    Club membership is required for full access

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